Final Exam (Jan): Steam Cycle (with solution)
- Due No Due Date
- Points 12
- Submitting on paper
- Available after Jan 11, 2018 at 8:55am
Q3. Steam Cycle (12 points)
A small-scale power plant uses a steam cycle with reheat, having a high-pressure turbine (HP) section and a low-pressure turbine (LP) section driving an electrical generator on a single shaft. There are only two steam extractions from the turbine: one toward a feedwater tank (FWT) operating at 3 bar; and another one toward a closed feedwater preheater (CFWP) at 10 bar, whose condensate line is throttled into the FWT.
Calculate the electrical power output and the electrical efficiency of the cycle.
Disregard any pressure losses or thermal losses. Neglect the pump work.
The given input parameters are listed below:
Total steam mass flow 50 kg/s
Steam superheat pressure & temperature 50 bar / 350 oC
Steam reheat pressure & temperature 5 bar / 350 oC
Feedwater temperature after CFWP 170 oC (towards boiler)
Steam extraction pressure for the CFWP 10 bar
Steam extraction pressure for the FWT 3 bar
Condenser pressure 0.2 bar
Isentropic efficiency of HP turbine section 85 %
Isentropic efficiency of LP turbine section 90 %
Mechanical efficiency of turbine shaft 97 %
Electrical Generator efficiency 93 %
Boiler thermal efficiency 90 %
The list of partial answers below shows the necessary calculation steps:
Sub-task |
Units |
Points |
1) |
Enthalpy of HP superheated steam |
kJ/kg |
0.5 |
2) |
Enthalpy after real expansion in HP turbine |
kJ/kg |
0.75 |
3) |
Enthalpy of LP reheated steam |
kJ/kg |
0.5 |
4) |
Enthalpy after real expansion in LP turbine |
kJ/kg |
0.75 |
5) |
Enthalpy of steam extraction to CFWP |
kJ/kg |
0.5 |
6) |
Enthalpy of steam extraction to FWT |
kJ/kg |
0.5 |
7) |
Enthalpy of feedwater after condenser |
kJ/kg |
0.25 |
8) |
Enthalpy of feedwater after FWT |
kJ/kg |
0.25 |
9) |
Enthalpy of feedwater after CFWP |
kJ/kg |
0.25 |
10) |
Mass flow of steam extraction to FWT |
kg/s |
1.5 |
11) |
Mass flow of steam extraction to CFWP |
kg/s |
1.5 |
12) |
Gross power output from the HP turbine section (before losses) |
MW |
1 |
13) |
Gross power output from the LP turbine section (before losses) |
MW |
1 |
14) |
Total net electrical power output |
MW |
0.75 |
15) |
Fuel thermal energy rate input to the boiler |
MW |
1 |
16) |
Electrical efficiency of the cycle, in percent |
% |
1 |