Course Syllabus
SPG course afterglow:
A new chance on the final exam (a second Re-Exam) has recently been approved and booked for August 21st at 08.00 a.m. in room Toker (M-building). Same strategy and conditions as for the previous exams remain valid for this new re-exam.
THANK YOU for your professional attitude and sustained motivation during the entire course!
Now it's time to wrap it up and say "goodbye"
The course has effectively finished and the exam results for all attempts are ready and inserted in the individual transcripts. Solutions on calculations and comments on the theory questions are uploaded to Canvas. Below is some last information and guidance, in case you missed it before:
The Final Exam contains four calculation tasks and a theory part. Each of these can be re-attempted at the re-exam, and again the same format of the questions and the same strategy is valid for complementing any one or all of the calculation tasks, or rewriting only the theory part if necessary, for a higher total score. The theory part needs to be submitted in its entirety (all theory questions together); while each one of the four different calculation tasks counts on its own against any previous attempt on those. The new result is valid only if better than before, otherwise the older result remains and there is no danger of losing points after reattempting any one or all of the exam parts.
The SPG course resources remain available in Canvas. See the thematic folders with material in "Files" or go via the "Modules" line-up for an overview of each subject area. Recorded lecture videos can be found in the Media Gallery space.
Below on this page you can still see the shortcut links to the course deliverables: Calculation home assignments and Theory quizzes (also found via the links/tabs on the left-side menu); as well as all recent exams. These remain accessible for future reference and can be reviewed or submitted at any later time.