Reading Material

Mandatory Reading

Over the years we have developed a short text with questions to help guide you through the basics.

The questions are not tied to assessment, but you must attempt all of them over the course of DD1337. The feedback they give helps correct misconceptions you might have. You can and are strongly encouraged to keep answering until you are correct.

We also link each weekly assignment to the relevant section.

  1. Go to the Torus Course and signup / accept terms and conditions.
  2. That's it, start reading and answer all questions!

Recommended Reading

If you prefer a beginners Java book instead of the online material then there are plenty of options (e.g. Head First Java, Objects First with Java, etc). Since we are not using the latest features of the java language, an older book on the second hand market should suffice.

You can find books in the library and also the O'Reilly Safari Collection which you get free access to as a KTH student (See: Links to an external site.)

The following textbooks are not essential to passing the course but highly recommend after you completed the course.  You can find copies in the KTH Bibliotek so check that first.


Effective Java Links to an external site.
By J. Bloch

A classic on the finer details of Java. Recommended for when you have got the basics of Java mostly under control and then want to take your coding further. This book can be accessed online by going to KTH Bibliotek and accessing the O'Reilly Safari Collection.


Code Complete (2nd Ed.) Links to an external site.

By S. McConnell

An excellent book that collects together a wealth of practical tips on how to make your code better.  Has value well beyond this course.