Course syllabus

Tentative lecture plan

Lec 1-2. Introduction, convex function, Dirichlet's principle

Lec 3-6, One-dimensional problems

Lec 7-10, Sobolev spaces

Lec 11-15, Direct methods

Lec 16-17, time for repetition and extra problems

List of possible questions/subjects for the oral exam

Lecture notes

Slides from Lecture 1

Notes from Lecture 1

Notes from Lecture 2

Notes for Lecture 3

Some related references for Lecture 3: For some details on the Brachistochrone and the cycloid, see also page 45 in One-dimensional Variational Problems. See also here for two detailed proofs that the solution is a cycloid.

Notes for Lecture 4

Notes for Lecture 5

Notes for Lecture 6

More notes for Lecture 6

Further references for Sobolev spaces: Most of the needed results can be found in Juha Kinnunen's lecture notes and/or Chapter 5 in Craig Evans PDE book.

Notes for Lecture 7

Notes for Lecture 8

Notes for Lecture 9

Notes for Lecture 10

Notes for Lecture 11

Notes for Lecture 12

Notes for Lecture 13

Notes for Lecture 14

Notes for Lecture 15

Additional notes for Lecture 15

Notes for Lecture 16


For further reading on regularity of nonlinear PDEs: