Enrolling and registering for courses

After your initial course selection for the first semester of your studies, you will have to be admitted to and enrol for every course you wish to take in subsequent semesters. The procedures are different for KTH and for SU courses. SU course are courses with a code starting with MM or MT, and KTH courses are courses with a code starting with SF, AK, or SA.

SU: Before the semester starts the director of the programme will send you a form for the enrolment of the courses provided by the department you will take. Send the form to Salvador using the following address: masters@math.su.se. The SU math administration will admit and enrol your courses at ladok after approval by the directors. 

Important:  Remember that you may have to apply for other (non-math) courses at antagning.se often with deadline around October 15. 

KTH – At KTH you apply for admission to courses 1-15 November for the Spring semester and 1-15 May for the Autumn semester.  Log in via your KTH menu and then into university admissions. You need to be logged in as a KTH student as well to be able to apply. 

After being admitted, you have to enrol (this is a two-step process!) via https://www.kth.se/en/student/studier/kurs/kursregistrering-1.317058. You will find the deadline via this link -- it is usually around the beginning of the semester.