Course Syllabus

Autonomous systems are systems that are designed to work in their target environment without, or with limited, human intervention. The objective with this course is to give a broad understanding of the wide area of autonomous systems and the foundational knowledge in the topic areas required to understand and develop autonomous systems. The course covers topics from sensing and perception to control and decision making. The examination consists of exercises, labs, and projects. The participants get the opportunity to network and learn from each other during two course-wide face-to-face meetings.


Course schedule

The schedule in some detail is available here.  The 2-day sessions will start day 1 at 11:30am with lunch to 15:00 day 2.

  1. Linköping/LiU: October 11-12
  2. Object detection examination
    1. Groups Chalmers1, Chalmers2, KTH1, KTH2:
    2. Groups LiU1, LiU2, Lund1:
    3. Groups Lund2, Örebro1, Umeå1, Zoom1:
  3. Stockholm/KTH: November 8-9
  4. Topic exploration examination
    1. Dec 5, 13:15 (Groups 1,2,3):
    2. Dec 6, 13:15 (Groups 4,5,6):
    3. Dec 7, 13:15 (Groups 7,8,9):


Course material

The material for the course is presented under the item "Modules" in the left hand side menu. 


Taking part in the course

The whole world can read the content of these pages but only registered students can hand in assignments, i.e., actually follow the course. If you think that you should be registered contact the WASP administration and they will help you.

You log in using one of the following links (once you have the login information).



The students are expected to have a background in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering or similar. The students are expected to have the foundational mathematics found in most engineering programs and basic programming skills.


Course setup

The course will consists of a combination of self-study,  group work, lectures and other activities during two 2-day meetings in Linköping and Stockholm, where everybody meets face-to-face,  and then examination assignments to be completed individually and in groups.

We provide an estimated time budget for the course where we make educated guesses for how much time each part should take. Some of them are easy to estimate, like the 2-day joint sessions,  but most others are highly individual.

A basic design principle in the course is that the assignments define what you should learn as a minimum in the course. Given the breadth of the course we have had to be be a bit selective. We provide additional material which we hope many of you will find interesting enough to at least glance at to get an even wider exposure to the topics spanning the course.

We want you to step outside of your comfort zone and learn mostly about things you know less about. That is, rather than deepening your expertise, broaden your toolbox and work on other things. If you are an expert we want you to spend your energy in that topic on teaching others and sharing your knowledge and experience as much as possible. 

You all have different backgrounds and thus different needs for preparatory material to take on assignments, take part in activities and lectures. This is the main purpose of the self-study material. 

Some sessions will focus on examining work. The examination sessions are mandatory to attend. If you cannot attend you MUST let the teachers know in advance and you will have to attend a make up session at the end of the course to compensate for this.

The 2-day meetings bring all students together. There will be presentations and activities. Besides the content of the course, building the WASP network is an import objective for these. These meetings are mandatory.  If you cannot attend you will have to do the make up assignment.


Not attending activities or not doing things on time

There are many students taking the course so we will have to be quite strict with the deadlines. Make sure to allocate time for the course. Please consult this page for routines for what is expected of you should you be late with an assignment or miss a mandatory session (local examination sessions and 2-day sessions for all course students).


Course Summary:

Date Details Due