Presentation and Opposition Instructions for ICT Innovation Students except HCID track
After you have sufficiently advanced in your thesis project and can estimate the time of completing your work, it is advisable to send your examiner an e-mail and ask about availability for checking the report and scheduling the presentation. Please observe that July is a traditional holiday month in Sweden and many professors will be away. It is a good idea to clarify the examiner’s availability well in advance.
Please observe that there are no predefined date or a deadline for presenting your work and everything is arranged on the individual basis.
Preparing your presentation-ready version of the thesis
- Complete your report to the “presentation ready version”. It means that the report contains all the required parts, the experimental work is completed and the results are described. Send it to your supervisor, receive the comments from the supervisor and incorporate them into your report.
- When your supervisor has approved your report, submit it to your examiner for approval for presentation. Submit it in Canvas, but you should also send an e-mail to notify your examiner. Attaching report to this e-mail is also advisable. Allow some time for the examiner to read your report and give comments. An examiner can decide that the report is not ready for the presentation and ask for revisions. Plan ahead for this option.
- At the time of submitting the report to the examiner, fill in your self-evaluation form using the template that can be found here, send it to your supervisor who will add comments and send to the examiner.
- Upload your thesis in as the corresponding assignment in Canvas.
- Fill in the form Application to Become Opponent Form
- When the examiner has approved the report for the presentation, you can start the presentation booking process.
Scheduling Presentation
- Together with your examiner and supervisor (your supervisor's presence is recommended but not mandatory) you should decide on a date and time for the presentation, and create a zoom link to the online presentation. It should be at least 8 days ahead of the presentation time.
- Immediately make a post in Canvas discussion that you are looking for an opponent. In the post include the thesis title, date and time of the presentation and some keywords about the thesis. When you choose an opponent, fill in the following Presentation form in complete details. It should be done 6 days ahead of the presentation. If you cannot find an opponent, please contact the course coordinator asking to help with assigning the opponent at least 7 days before planned presentation.
- The opponent will contact you, supervisor and examiner to confirm.
- Currently, presentations are given online only.
- The presentation seminar is advertised by the course coordinator.
To be assigned as the opponent of another student's presentation, please follow these instructions
- Regularly check the discussion in Canvas and react promptly if you want to serve as an opponent. Agree with the presenter and notify also the supervisor and examiner. If you struggle with finding an opposition opportunity for a long time, please contact course coordinator.
- In parallel to checking Canvas discussion, do not forget to submit the Application to Become Opponent Form which is used by the course coordinator if the students cannot find the opponents by themselves.
- Detailed instructions for the opposition can be found here (Links to an external site.).
- If you are close to being finished with your thesis, you may also indicate your interest in doing the opposition earlier in the process by filling in Application to Become Opponent Form and sending an e-mail to, including when you plan to finish, your thesis topic and area of interest. You will then be added to an interest list, and if there are no students in the queue, or none interested in an opportunity, you may get a chance to do your opposition in advance.
Active listening
The currently scheduled presentations in CS can be found here (Links to an external site.). This list is updated when new presentations
are scheduled. You do not need to register for the presentations, you can simply attend the zoom meeting.
Please prepare so that you can participate actively in the discussion. The purpose of attending other presentations
is that you get an opportunity to reflect on what creates a good presentation, so make sure to do this well ahead
of your own presentation.
If you have any questions please e-mail