Manage the ongoing project

On this page you find the main steps you need to follow during the master degree project, information for submitting the assignments, as well as eventual program specific information. 

General Advice

Contact your KTH examiner and supervisor, before you start to work on the project. They will discuss with you how the supervision will happen. Stay in touch with your supervisor and examiner throughout the project, keep them updated on deviations from the project and time plan, and keep in mind in your planning that examiners and supervisors also need time to assess the assignments and to provide feedback and that multiple rounds of feedback can be necessary in some cases before a thesis is acceptable. 

Main steps and assignments

The main steps of the project, according to the course syllabus, are the following:

  • The student writes an individual plan for the degree project, in which the problem description/assignment and the preconditions for the implementation of the work are specified. (See Assignment - Individual plan.)
  • The student carries out an in-depth pre-study including discussions of method choice and theoretical background with a literature study that is reported as part of a draft to a preliminary version of the written degree project report. (See Assignment - Pre-study.)
  • The student independently carries out a degree project, where knowledge and methods from the education are applied. 
  • The student writes and presents a written degree project report, where the student clearly accounts for and discusses own conclusions in the degree project and the knowledge and the arguments that underpin them. (See Assignment - Thesis.)
  • The student carries out a self-evaluation of the degree project according to established model. (See Assignment - Self-evaluation.)
  • The student plans and carries out an oral presentation and defence of his or her degree project. (See Assignment - Final presentation.)
  • The student visits the oral presentation of two master degree projects, as active listener (See Assignment - Active listening 1  and Assignment - Active listening 2)
  • The student carries out an oral and written review of another second-cycle degree project. (See Assignment - Opposition.)


Compulsory template for the individual plan ( Download txt


Report templates (more to come)

PowerPoint template for student use, see

Suggested opposition template ( Download txt


Self-evaluation template (excel Download excel)

Program-specific information

Here you can find further details about the degree project processes, that are specific to the different programs.

Opposition sign up and announcing the presentation