Kritisk kamratgranskning / Written peer review
- Inlämningsdatum 2 jun 2022 av 15:00
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- Tillgänglig till 10 jun 2022 kl 15:00
Inlämning av studenternas reviews (kritisk granskning) för bedömning
Se detaljer nedan på engelska.
Hand-in of students' peer reviews for evaluation
This is an individual assignment so submit individually a written review of the assigned report. You will figure out which report you are supposed to review from the conference schedule and, additionally, you should get a direct message from Canvas prompting you to send a file with your comments - please see below the section on Naming files for the submission and the actual hand-in procedure and a separate Canvas webpage on Peer reviews and conference schedule).
Regarding the content and form of the written feedback please check more information available on the course website under Assessment. Please make sure you follow an academic style of writing, the same as in your report. Essentially, kexjobb oppositionsprotokoll (peer review protocol) Download kexjobb oppositionsprotokoll (peer review protocol) serves as a guideline for your written opposition. The underlying idea is to align your peer review with the assessment that your own report will be subject to at the end of the course. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you keep in mind the report evaluation checklist Download checklist/rapportprotokoll Download rapportprotokoll (p.3 Rapport bedömning under Assessment). In addition, since you are in a position to still provide formative feedback (unlike the summative form of assessment you receive at the end of the course), please account also for the remarks/comments that you would like to receive as a recipient of a critical review. Please, balance positive aspects with advice for improvements.
Naming files for the submission and the actual hand-in procedure
Submit your written reviews in Canvas (individual submission) in two ways (the same file twice):
1) Just make a standard file submission corresponding to this assignment.
2) Respond to Canvas invitation to evaluate your colleague's report (you should be directed to the report that you have been assigned to for review) and attach the same pdf file with your review that you submitted as requested in p.1. As a matter of fact, this peer-review functionality in Canvas also delivers feedback on your report from your reviewers.
To keep this process in order please name the files according to the following pattern:
for example, (where the review of Daniel Dahlgren and Samuel Hertzberg's (gr. 1) report is made by Hassan Salman; I hope you do not mind me using specific name examples here).