Peer reviews and conference schedule
Student conference
You will find here the conference schedule . It is critical that you review it and make sure that you have a slot allocated for your presentation (as a group) and opposition (individually). If there are any problems, please let us know immediately ( I would also like you to inform us in advance if you are going to orally present your work in Swedish (I would also like to know if you write your report in Swedish).
Details regarding the presentations and oral oppositions can be found at KTH Social under Student conference in General information for students. Also, please read carefully the instructions for the given assignment on Written peer review and Oral presentation and opposition.
Peer review allocations
In the conference schedule you can each find the group whose report you are supposed to review (written peer review) and for whom you should deliver an oral opposition at the conference. In principle, search for your name under 1st or 2nd opponent, and identify the corresponding group (group number, authors' names as well as their supervisor).
In addition, you should receive an invitation from Canvas to evaluate your colleagues' work with a link directly to the report assigned to you for review.
Details regarding the submission of your written reviews can be found in the text of the assignment (Kritisk granskning/Written peer review). In essence, you should name your pdf feedback file according to the requested convention and submit it via Canvas twice: i) as part of the assignment and ii) as a response to Canvas invitation for the evaluation (this mechanism allows for directly receiving feedback from your peers, as mentioned below).
Accessing peer reviews of your report
Before the conference you will have access to the peer reviews submitted by your colleagues-reviewers. Please find this feedback directly linked to your Canvas submission of the report draft (if you have not received a review please contact us on ). Most of you should receive two reviews (you can see in the conference schedule who is supposed to review your work).