Rapport inför studentkonferensen / Report for student conference
- Inlämningsdatum 18 maj 2022 av 15:00
- Poäng 0
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Inlämning av studentrapporter inför studentkonferensen där studenterna opponerar på andra studenters rapporter.
Se detaljer nedan på engelska.
Canvas hand-in of the report draft for peer-review before the conference (hard deadline, May 18, 15:00)
Please submit as a group a report that will be peer-reviewed by your colleagues. Although this version of the report will not be evaluated by the examiner and it does not have to be in a complete form, it is important that the submitted report is in sufficiently good condition to allow for insightful review by your opponents.
It is recommended that you perform self-evaluation of your report draft using a checklist Download a checklist (på svenska Download på svenska) prepared for the supervisors to assess your report. You can find details on the course website under Assessment (rapport bedömning).
Please submit your reports via Canvas in groups and name your pdf files according to the following convention:
e.g. reportdraft33.EHallström.SHellstenius.pdf.
Finally, if you edit your report in Latex, please format your thesis according to the form (mall) available on KTH Social. If you rely on editors such as Word, try to resemble a similar format of the report (you can find past report examples here).