Assignment 2: Final version of grading criteria
- Due 30 May 2022 by 18:00
- Points 4
- Submitting a file upload
- File types pdf
- Available until 16 Aug 2022 at 18:00
It is time to construct the final version of your grading criteria. We recommend that you use the following structure in your work on this assignment (point 1-8 below). Note that you should present your work as a readable report (point 9 below defines what the report should contain).
- Review your own submission 1 in the same way as you peer-reviewed two others’ submissions.
- Show your submission 1 (or an updated version of it) to at least one (new or old) student to get some student’s feedback on the ILOs and grading criteria.
- Reflect on all feedback you got.
- Modify your grading criteria using the feedback. We suggest that you should feel free when suggesting changes, so that you (at this time) do not have to be restricted by what your colleagues or your director of study will accept.
- Add missing grading criteria and the form of assessment for each ILO. We recommend that you present this as a matrix (as in Viggo’s ADC example from meeting 1).
- For each assignment to be assessed, sketch how you will assess the students using the criteria. You may need to state operational grading criteria.
- Show how the assessment of the course will guarantee that each student who pass the course will fulfill all ILOs to the E level (pass) criteria.
- Construct a formula for combining the grades.
- Write and submit a report consisting of two parts. The first part should be a self-contained report, for example in the form of a course memo, fulfilling the requirements of the KTH regulations, hence including the following:
- the ILOs,
- the matrix of grading critera,
- the alignment between the assessments and the grading criteria, also showing that passing the assessments will guarantee fulfillment of the ILOs,
- the formula for combining the grades.
The second part should be a reflection:
- motivating why you designed your criteria (and assessments) as you did,
- showing that you have considered the feedback from the peers and the student,
- reflecting on how you will use the grading criteria in your teaching to make the students aware of what is expected of them at the assessment,
- reflecting on the effects your formula for combining grades may have on the learning process.
Before you submit, go through the grading criteria for LH216V (see the rubric matrix on this page) and check that your report shows fulfillment of all of them.
Submit your report as a PDF document in Canvas. If you cannot see the submit button below, you probably need to login to Canvas using the key symbol in the upper left corner of the window.
We will grade the report according to the grading criteria (the ILOs) of LH216V and give you constructive feedback on your grading criteria in Canvas. At the third and final meeting, we will discuss your submitted grading critera. After this, you are welcome to revise your grading criteria again and send them to so that we can include them on the web among the other examples of grading critera used at KTH.
Good luck!
Viggo, Hans and Camilla
Criteria | Ratings | |||
Account for how intended learning outcomes, grading criteria and assessment fit together
Formulate outcomes based criterion-referenced grading criteria for a course
Suggest how items of the examination should be designed so that they assess the student according to the grading criteria
Review critically and reflect on ones own and others' grading criteria
Describe how to combine assessments to determine a final grade and reflect on which effects this can give
Reflect on how the grading criteria can be used in your own teaching