Lab 5: MobMuPlatt and Pure Data
- Due 25 Apr 2022 by 23:59
- Points 1
- Submitting a text entry box, a media recording, or a file upload
- Available 11 Apr 2022 at 9:00 - 25 Jul 2022 at 23:59
In this lab you will experiment with making sounds in Pure Data using the sensors embedded in your smartphone. This lab is normally quite fun for students to complete, but it requires learning to use Pure Data and sometimes fighting with it. Make use of the resources we're proposing!
0. Preparatory tasks (to be completed before the lab session):
- Download MobMuPlat app to a smartphone (iOS Links to an external site., Android Links to an external site.)
- Install Pure Data vanilla and get started with it by following this Introduction Download Introduction (you don't need to read it all, but keep it at hand and at least skim it, so you start getting familiar with the concepts). You can also have at hand this playlist Links to an external site. if you need more support later.
- Download this file Download this file to the computer and open it with Pure Data. This will be your main working file.
- Download this file Download this file and this other file Download this other file to the phone and put them both in the MobMuPlat folder of the phone.
- Run MobMuPlat on the phone. Find the Network settings and change the IP address to the local (not public!) IP address of the computer. Important: The computer and the phone should be in the same local network!
- In MobMuPlat, run the network_allSensors.mmp.
It should show 5 sliders. Tilt X and Tilt Y are the orientation of the phone. Accel X, Accel Y, and Accel Z are the movement of the phone. - Move the phone around to see how the slider changes based on your movement. Note that the acceleration sensor is affected by gravity. For example, when the phone is flat on the table, Accel Z will be around -0.98 as it is moving against gravity. If the settings are correct, as you move the phone around, the numbers in the MMP_Receiver patch should change accordingly. If they don’t, check your settings.
- Download this example video (example1), and this example sound (doorbell), to the computer, you will use them later.
1. Lab procedure (you can start this before the lab session):
1. Complete the tasks described in this file
Download this file (thanks to Adrian, who will be joining us as a TA in this lab).
2. Upload your pd patch from part C (including the sound file you used, so that we can run the patch ourselves).
3. Upload a short video documentation. When shooting the video follow this checklist (which we will use in order to grade your assignment and without which we can't assess what you did):
- First, show the interaction in action, since this is the most interesting part in this assignment. Make sure that we can see the phone AND hear the resulting sounds. If the mapping isn't obvious, mention explicitly what is the conceptual idea that you implemented.
- Then, show the patch on the screen. Briefly walk us through how it works.
4. Upload a brief written reflection of what you learned and what you struggled with when solving this assignment.
5. You can write optional, brief feedback if you struggled with the description of this assignment and your suggestion for improvement. You can upload this together with the other files, or as a submission comment.
2. Lab session:
During the lab session, the teachers will be available to help you if you have got stuck with the assignment.
For those connecting remotely, we will use a queuing system to make it fair and organised. So, if you have trouble completing the lab AND after looking for info online you are still stuck, OR towards the end of the session you simply want to show us what you did, then you sign up here: (look for DM1588).
Please indicate there your group number, your Zoom meeting link (make sure it is not password protected) and whether you require help or just want to show us your nice results (this is optional). When it is your turn, a teacher will join your Zoom meeting and will label your group in the queue as being helped.
We also have physical classrooms assigned to us along the course (you can see this on the official schedule in KTH Social). We will do our best to have at least one teacher physically there (maximum 2 teachers) to help those who really want in-person assistance. This will depend on how we assess the risks regarding the pandemic, which may change from one week to another, so please let's be patient with each other and respect social distance, etc. You can also use the classrooms during the assigned slots if you need a space to gather with your group, even if you don't need the teachers' assistance.