Course Syllabus

Course information on the course web, where you for example can find intended learning outcomes and course contents.


Lecturer and Examiner:

Per Enqvistemail, office 3549, phone: 790 6298.



There are 14 theory lectures and one guest lecture. 

There are 9 exercise classes. 

For a detailed plan of the classes see the descriptions Lectures and Exercises  available on canvas.

Course material:

Hillier and Lieberman: "Introduction to Operations Research", 10th edition.
Please note, the 10th edition came 2014 and is the one that is sold at the KTH bookshop. You may use earlier versions, the reading instructions are for the 9th and 10th editions. 

We have a pdf booklet with exercises (and solutions) that is mainly based on old exams, "Exercises in Systems Engineering" It is available for registered students at CANVAS. 
Additional material (manuscripts) will be available on the homepage. 
Matlab projects/home assignments will be available in CANVAS during the course.


Two mandatory home assignments will be given, they may also give bonus points to the written examination (2+4 bonus points) if done before certain deadlines. For full details, see the descriptions for the assignments that will be available on the CANVAS homepage.
Maximum credits on the exam is 50 points. Preliminary grade limits are, 23 for an Fx, 25 For E, 28 for D, 33 for C, 38 for B and 43 for A.

Please remember to sign up for the exam on "My Pages" on the internet.


Support for students with disabilities

Students with disabilities may have the right to certain compensatory support for example during examination. 
KTH has coordinators for students with disabilities, Funka (Links to an external site.)who deals with issues relating to functional disabilities. You should turn to Funka at for information about support.  Course specific details can be found here.


Welcome to the course!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due