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AK2202 VT20 (60820) Gender and Technology
GENDER & TECHNOLOGY AK2202 Why are most engineers men? Are there “male” or “female” technologies, and if so, why? How are our ideas of gender shaped? This course takes a social, cultural, philosophical, and historical journey through the relationship between gender and technology. Challenging the assumption that technologies can ever be gender-neutral, either in their design or in their use, we will explore the co-construction of gender and technology in several fields, from toys to military technology. The course also provides a basic understanding of the interplay between gender and technology in society, for instance in the fields of organization of labor and the introduction of new technologies. The course incorporates critical gender and diversity awareness into understanding the processes of designing and developing new technologies. Course Organization The course consists of eight course events of three hours each. Generally, the first hour of each event will be a lecture while the second part will be a seminar on the same or a related theme. You will read and comment upon texts before and during each class. You will also be given short written assignments that have to be handed in (uploaded to Canvas) before class. The attendance of lectures and seminars is mandatory. Absence from more than one course event will have to be made up for through additional writing assignments. We are here to learn!
DD2363 VT20 (60137) Methods in Scientific Computing
The goal of the course is for you to develop an understanding of general and efficient numerical methods and algorithms, and their role in fundamental models of computational science, such as artificial neural networks, particle systems, ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. Research challenges in the field are highlighted, for example with respect to parallel and distributed computing. In the course you will learn the theoretical foundations, and develop practical skills through programming, and analysing the models, methods and algorithms.