Degree Project at KTH

This page contains KTH-specific information about your Master's thesis project.

There will be an information meeting about the degree project for all master students at KTH in September/October (date TBA). 

Before you start

You and the supervisor need to fill out this form and submit it to Tilman Bauer (  The box concerning "delegating examiner" can be left blank). The course code is SF278X and the grading is Pass/Fail.

If you do your project at a company or abroad it is also important that you fill out this form.

When you are finished with the project:

The main outcome is a project report (master's thesis). You must present your thesis at a thesis seminar.

When the final version of the thesis is ready:


Normally speaking, the examiner and the advisor are the same person. 


The Master's thesis project will be graded on a P/F scale.

Course administrator

Tilman Bauer