Graded Quiz 1

  • Due 7 Apr at 23:59
  • Points 4
  • Questions 10
  • Available 1 Apr at 0:00 - 7 Apr at 23:59
  • Time limit None
  • Allowed attempts 4


This is your first graded assignment for the course. Questions will cover everything presented so far from introduction to basic SQL. Before starting the quiz make sure you have watched the lectures (or/and read the respective chapters) as well as trying out the practice (non-graded) quiz in order to familiarise with the type of questions covered here. Some of the questions will require you to execute queries on the imdb database (see instructions page). Be mindful of your answers, you have two full attempts for this test (maximum points across the two attempts will be counted) and 10 days to complete.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes