Self-testing quiz on lecture 2

  • Due Sep 4, 2023 at 7pm
  • Points 20
  • Questions 20
  • Available Sep 3, 2023 at 12:01am - Oct 26, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


  • Nothing you do here will influence your final grade on the class - this is intended as formative feedback for your learning.
  • We will also use the average results from all students as a way to monitor how we're doing, and if there are any concepts that many students get wrong so we should discuss them at the seminar. Thus: the perfect setup is that you watch the video two days before the seminar, and do the quiz the day before the seminar.
  • You can re-take the quiz as many times as you want.
  • However... the idea is to use it for self-reflection and assess how you're doing, not as another item where you end up learning answers by heart! Thus, the quiz will neither tell you the correct answers to the individual questions or which ones you got right - you will only see your total score!
  • Remember: Your goal is not to maximize the score on the quiz, but to help you check if you understand. It might even be a good idea not to answer a question you are really uncertain about, rather than getting it right by chance.
  • To make it a bit challenging, for some of these questions you need to identify all (multiple) correct choices. That's because you're learning - on the written exam there will only be a single correct answer.
  • Initially we will experiment by setting a time limit of 15 minutes, as another reminder that the point is to use it as a quick check, not for googling answers just to get them right. Don't worry - this should hopefully be plentyof time, and if you protest we'll remote it later.
  • So, based on the outcome, decide what concepts you might need to review, and take the test another time - or five - if you want to!
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes