Seminar Presentations 14/10, 13-15 - Study Visit Groups – Scania AB
The presentations of the different tasks will take place:
14/10, 13-15, Blå
You should prepare and make a short presentation at a maximum of 10-15 minutes about your task (max 8-10 PowerPoint slides). Attendance at the presentations are mandatory!
Each presentation, should be handed in in Canvas before or latest at the presentation. All students should be involved and be at the stage.
The groups are (max three members) - Subscribe in Canvas!
Group 1: Moulding - Materials and methods at Scania
Group 2: Cast Iron Parts in a Scania-truck, describe the different types of cast iron alloys and where they are used and why
Group 3: The technique of additive manufacturing is a growing technology that can be applied for manufacturing of cores. Discuss when/how this is a suitable process route.