Study visit, autumn 2022
Below is the schedule for the study visits this year. We're fortunate enough that the pandemic has softened, so the companies can once again offer on-site visits.
Information on how to sign-up
You follow the link to the specific doodle and write your full name. Unfortunately, there are limitations on the number of participants. The doodle links will be published on Thursday Oct 20 at 10:00.
There is one visit that will be hybrid, the visit by Teledyne/Flir. For security reasons they'll come to KTH and the Visualization Studio. There's a limit of 40 places in the studio, but there is of course no limit on on-line participants. If that'll be your only visit, make sure you log in with your full name to Zoom to get attendance.
In DD2300, each student should go to one study visit each year. In DD1390, the study visit is not mandatory, but third-year students will receive one point in the course for the study visit.
Study visit October 27
A. Oracle at 15.30 35 people Link Links to an external site.
Söder Mälarstrand 27B
Study visit Nov 3
G. Goldman Sachs at 15.30 20 people Link Links to an external site. Full!
Blasieholmsgatan 7, Floor 5
Study visits Nov 10
B. Resolution Games at 16.30 35 people Link Links to an external site. Links to an external site. Full! (it says Nov 3 in the doodle, but it is on the 10th!)
Mäster Samuelsgatan 45
H. Embark Studios at 16.30 20 people Link Links to an external site. Full!
Kungsträdgårdsgatan 16
J. Teledyne Flir at 16.30 40 people + unlimited On-site with demo (in VIC at KTH) + Digital Link Links to an external site.
VIC, floor 4 in the D-building + zoom Links to an external site.
Study visits Nov 17
C. upsales at 16.30 40 people Cancelled due to too few participants.
Vasagatan 16
D. Microsoft at 15.30 60 people Link Links to an external site. Full!
Microsoft Reactor @ Epicenter, Regeringsgatan 59
E. Visma at 15.30 50 people Link Links to an external site.
Lindhagensgatan 94
F. Mentimeter at 15.30 20 people Link Links to an external site. Full!
Tulegatan 11
I. SEB at 15.30 40 people Link Links to an external site. Full!
Stjärntorget 4
K. Vattenfall at 15.30 12 people Link Links to an external site. Full!
Evenemangsgatan 13
L. Netlight at 15.30 100 people Link Links to an external site.
Regeringsgatan 25