Recordings: week 1 (HT2022)

  • Lesson (Monday 29-aug-2022, 9am-12am): Introduction and the the gradient
    • Introduction

    • Gradient and directional derivative

  • Lesson (Tuesday 30-aug-2022, 1pm-3pm): Basic of vector algebra
    • Unfortunately, the recording was corrupted and the video is useless. But you could look at the recording of 2021 at this link: choose the video corresponding to "Lesson (Tuesday 31-aug-2021, 1pm-3pm): Basic of vector algebra"


  • Lesson (Thursday 1-sept-2022, 3pm-5pm): application of vector algebra/analysis to electromagnetism.

  • Exercises (Wednesday 31-aug-2022, 1pm-3am): gradient and parameterization of surfaces and curves.

  • Exercises (Friday 2-sept-2022, 9am-10am): problem of the calculation of the electric field.