ED1110 HT22 Vektoranalys (CELTE, CENMI)

Welcome to the course!

At the moment (15 august 2022) we plan to hold the course in presence at the KTH campus, with no hybrid teaching and no remote teaching.



Detailed information will be in the kurs-PM (last update: 15 August 2022).

In this main page you can find very concise information on:

  • brief introduction
  • the book
  • what to read before the beginning of the course
  • assignments: brief description (more info in the "Kurs-PM")


  • Click on "Assignments" on the left menu. Then, click on the Home Assignment you want to download.
  • Group and individual assignments will be handed out by the teachers in class (you cannot download them).
  • Do NOT use the "to do" list on the right menu.




Inom geometrin och mekaniken utgör vektorer (storheter med både storlek och riktning) mycket användbara verktyg. Vidare kan nya vektorer bildas med hjälp av addition, subtraktion, skalärmultiplikation eller kryssprodukt av gamla.

  • Ibland kan man ha behov av att bestämma hur en vektorstorhet varierar i rummet eller tiden, dvs man intresserar sig för dess derivata. Vektoranalys behandlar just derivator och integraler av vektorer.
  • Metoderna inom vektoranalysen kan formuleras inom flervariabelsanalysen, men vektoranalysen har mycket större praktisk användbarhet eftersom den tillåter mer komprimerade och intuitiva formuleringar.
  • Det visar sig att vektoranalys är mycket användbar inom ämnen som teoretisk elektroteknik, vågrörelselära, strömningsmekanik, plasmafysik, gasdynamik och relativitetsteori.

Du kan läsa om kursens utveckling och studentresultat tidigare år här:

  • Kursplan: link
  • Kursanalys and kurs-PM (historik): link


The book used in  HT2022:

Since 2019 we use the book:

  • Title: Vektoranalys
  • Authors: L. Frassinetti, J. Scheffel
  • Editor: Liber
  • ISBN: 978-91-47-12617-0 

On the webpage of Liber Links to an external site. (see this link Links to an external site.) you can download important useful files:

Before the beginning of the course (HT2022):

It would be very useful if you read the first three chapters of "Vektoranalysis (Frassinetti/Scheffel)" before the lectures of the first week of the course:

  • Chapter 1: vector algebra (before the lecture of August 30).
  • Chapter 2: scalar and vector functions (before the lecture of August 30).
  • Chapter 3: introduction to cylindrical and spherical coordinatesystems (before the lecture of August 31).
  • Appendix A (available at this link Links to an external site.): practical applications (before the lecture of September 2).

In particular, the ED1110 course assume that you are able to work with the following topics and that you have a clear understanding of their geometrical meaning:

  • sum and subtraction of vectors
  • scalar product and cross product
  • absolute value of a vector
  • projection of a vector in a given direction
  • basis of a coordinate system
  • cartesian coordinate system
  • cylindrical coordinate system
  • spherical coordinate system



We will have three types of assignments. The assignments are NOT compulsory, but they will help you to learn the key topics and will help you to pass the exam. See the kurs-PM for all the details (below there is just a short overview).

  • Home assignments: one assignment per week. You have approximately one week of time to solve the home assignments. The deadline for the submission is the  Monday of the following week at 8am.
  • Group assignments: one per week, in the last 30min of "övningar". You be will divided in groups, with 2-3 students each. You can discuss the solution within your group.
  • Individual assignments: one per week, in the last 30min of "lektion". You have to solve them individually and submit your own solution.

General guidelines for the submission of the assignments:

  • you can use your own sheets to write the solution but write your name in capital letters at the top of the sheet.
    • Sheets without name might be disregarded.
  • write clearly and use a correct mathematical notation.
    • if the teacher can not read your text, the assignment will be graded with zero points.
  • The solution is discussed at the beginning of the next class.


If you have questions, feel free to contact me!
See you on August 29.
