How to get started with your degree project and how to apply?
This page outlines the steps necessary to start your degree project.
Step 1: Find an interesting project
Everything starts with a good project idea, and it is the students responsibility to find a suitable project. There are different options:
- many departments and professors propose thesis topics, you can browse the department and professor web pages to find them, see department list
- you already have an idea of a topic of academic relevance
- you find a topic on Links to an external site.
Step 2: Prepare a project proposal
Once you have found an interesting project, you need to prepare a project proposal following the EECS template. You can ask for feedback to the supervisor/examiner if you already have identified one. The project proposal will be submitted electronically as part of the application for degree project (see below).
Step 3: Find an examiner and supervisor
In general, the examiner and supervisor will be assigned by the degree project coordinator. However, students are allowed to reach out to prospective examiners, and in cases where a project requires a specific examiner or coordination with the examiner is necessary already in an early stage, this is also highly recommended. Some programmes also highly encourage or require students to find an examiner, and this information is usually provided in program specific information.
For the course codes DA233X, DA235X, DA236X, EA236X, EA238X, EA250X, and EA260X, please check the Specific Instructions for Students at the Department of Intelligent Systems.
For the course codes DA248X, EA248X, EA249X, EA270X, EA275X, EA280X, EA250X, EG230X, IA249X, that are handled by Department of Electrical Engineering (EE), it is strongly recommended that you find an examiner and supervisor before you submit the application. In case you have troubles in finding one, then first contact your Master program coordinator for guidance. In case you then are still can't find an examiner then submit the application without examiner and the EE master thesis coordinator will work on finding one.
For the course codes DA240X, DA246X, EA246X, and IA250X that are handled by the Department of Computer Science (CS) in Kista, it is strongly recommended that you find an examiner before you submit the application. In case you can't find an examiner, you are allowed to submit the application without an examiner. Then, the degree project coordinator will help you.
If the examiner you have chosen is not an examiner on the course code you are applying for, please contact your master coordinator for more information on how to proceed.
Step 4: Application for degree project
The prerequisites for the degree project courses are defined in the course syllabus (kursplan). The office of students affairs will provide information on students' eligibility directly to the degree project coordinators by mid December.
Students who are not eligible will also be contacted by the Office of Student Affairs. If you do not receive an email from the Office of Student Affairs (please check your spam folder first), you can assume you are eligible.
If you know that an exemption will be needed, contact the master coordinator responsible for your programme as soon as possible and before: TBA
Please only submit an application if you know that you are likely to become eligible by the end of January (i.e., after results for the January exams are reported).
Required Files
The application for degree project is submitted electronically. In order to prepare for the submission, please
- Complete the project proposal (step 2) and save it as a PDF file; please include your first name and family name in the file name.
- Complete and sign the form Permission to Publishing Degree Project report Download Permission to Publishing Degree Project report and save it as a PDF file; please include your first name and family name in the file name.
Both files will be uploaded as part of the application.
Visit the page Apply for the degree project to submit your application.
Last day of applicationFor projects that are planned to start in January 2022, the application for degree project has to be completed by 15 December 2021. Applications submitted after that date will be considered, however, with lower priority. Projects starting in other periods can be submitted any time. |
Step 5: Processing of the Application
The incoming applications will be shared with the examiners and supervisors and reviewed, and as part of the review process, an examiner may request mandatory changes of the proposal before accepting the assignment. Projects for which an examiner and supervisor is found and the student is eligible will be reported to the office of student affairs for admission.
Step 6: Admission and Registration
The master coordinator will admit the student on the master’s degree project in LADOK in mid January, 2022. After the student has been admitted to the master’s degree project course, the student must register himself/herself in LADOK.