Preparation for Seminars 1 and 2 - read this!

There are two seminars: one focusing on Introduction, Background and Method, and one on Results and Discussion. In the seminars, you will learn more about clear communication in scientific texts, and the style of academic English. You will also work with one or two other groups, and read and give feedback on each other’s texts.

Remember! The more text you can bring to the seminar, the more relevant feedback will others be able to give you.

Preparation for Seminar 1:

  • Attend the lecture 21 March.
  • Work on your text, focusing on clear communication in the Introduction, Background, and, if possible, Method. Is it clear what the problem is? Is the aim and purpose clear? Are you writing in a formal, but easily understood, academic style?
  • Make sure you have your text in an easily accessible format, for sharing and discussing.

Preparation for Seminar 2:

  • Create at least one table or figure from your Results section. If it's only preliminary results, don't worry. You'll change the details later. Think about what you want to tell the readers, which parts of the table or figure you want to highlight, and how this table or figure helps you answer your research question.
  • If you haven't got a table or figure, attend the seminar anyway! Maybe you have written some text, or have a rough plan of your Results section? Bring anything you have to the seminar.