Skicka projektpreferenser / Communicate your project preferences
- Inlämningsdatum 28 jan 2022 av 15:00
- Poäng Ingen
- Tillgänglig till 28 jan 2022 kl 15:00
Use a KTH form to communicate your project preferences by January 28, 15h00. Please submit one form per group and clearly state 2 names of the group members, 2 KTH email addresses, and a ranked list of (ideally 3) topic areas that you are interested in.
Please fill in a KTH form questionnair to submit your preferred topic options by Friday the 28th of January, 2022.
Use this KTH web form to submit your teams:
Remember you need to send
-) your group information: two names and two KTH email addresses
-) multiple topic area suggestions: ideally 3 areas in ranked order
If you plan to write in Swedish, please indicate this in your form, so we find a supervisor who speaks Swedish.
The assignment of students to supervisors will be published on Tuesday, February 1!
If you have any question, please send email to