Populärvetenskaplig beskrivning / Popular science description
- Inlämningsdatum 13 maj 2022 av 15:00
- Poäng 0
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- Tillgänglig till 13 maj 2022 kl 15:00
Canvas hand-in of the popular science description (hard deadline, May 13, 15:00)
Please submit as a group a popular science summary of your project in a wider context accounting for societal impact and far-reaching implications for computer science (whether industrial or scientific).
There is a template Download a template with some more detailed instructions available.
PPT from the lecture 10 May Download PPT from the lecture 10 May
Importantly, the description should not exceed 500-600 words. The text will be peer-reviewed by your colleagues along with the main report.
Please submit your texts via Canvas in groups and name your pdf files according to the following convention:
e.g. popscisummary33.EHallström.SHellstenius.pdf.