Inlämning av slutrapporten / Submission of the final report
- Inlämningsdatum 8 Jun 2022 av 15:00
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- Tillgänglig till 1 Jul 2022 kl 15:00
This is the FINAL report submission in the course. It is expected that after the conference you finalise your report and account for the comments received from your opponents. The version you submit as a group will be subject to the final evaluation by at least two teachers. The details of the evaluation can be found on the course website under Assessment. Please pay special attention to rapport bedömning, which should give you insights about the assessment of your own work. In other words, before submitting your final report, please make sure that ALL the assessment aspects listed in rapport bedömning (the checklist) have been addressed in the report.
Please do not forget about the cover page formatting requirements. All the relevant information can be found on the course website under General information for students in Information about the report (please follow the instructions !).