Class meeting 5: E-textiles and material knowledge

This class occasion is completely remote (and partly outdoors!) so that you rest a bit from Zoom meetings.

You have four tasks to complete:

1) Watch the video on e-textiles.
This is a guest lecture given by Dr Vasiliki Tsaknaki Links to an external site., especially designed for this course in its first edition (March 2020). Vasiliki is now an Assistant Professor in IT University of Copenhagen.
Here is the video [Removed from example course room] for the lecture and here are the slides [Removed from example course room].
Please note that in the video she mentions Anders (the previous teacher for this course) and what the students learnt in the lecture with him, which corresponds to your Class Meeting 2 this year (although yours has been tweaked!).

2) Watch the video on material knowledge.

This is a guest lecture given by Dr Ylva Fernaeus, especially recorded for this course (version 2020). Ylva is an Associate Professor in Interaction Design at MID, KTH, but she is currently based in Umeå.
Here you can watch the video [Removed from example course room].

It would be great if you comment your impressions or reflections about these 2 lectures in the forum!

3) Check these inspiring sources. 
I strongly recommend you to take a look at these even if you don't plan to build any of these artefacts, because they might inspire you to do something else, either for a lab or for the final project: (for example, this one: Felted pompom pressure sensor)
Neoprene bend sensor

Three fabric buttons
Beaded multi-wire
Hard-soft connections
Circular knit stretch sensors
Zipper slide
Zipper switch

4) Read the instructions for mini lab 4 and inspired by the previous tasks, go out to complete it.   
The lecture videos are very short, so you will have plenty of time during the lecture slot for doing this mini lab right after, while there is still sun out (hopefully!).