Presentation and opposition for HCT projects (DA232X, DA234X, DA258X HCID track, DA256X HCID track)
Scheduling your own presentation
- When your supervisor agrees that the report is ready to be presented you submit a draft to Canvas, and inform the examiner via email.
- The examiner goes through the draft and approves the report for presentation. (Correction: Previously stated that plagiarism check was done by examiner at this stage.)
- If the assessment is that the report is ready for presentation you agree on a date and time for the presentation with your examiner and supervisor (your supervisors presence is recommended but not mandatory) and create a zoom link to the presentation. Fill in the information in the linked spread sheet Links to an external site. in the 'PresentationInformation' sheet.
Preparing for the presentation
- In preparation for the presentation look through these tips and trick for making a good presentation.
Signing up to be an opponent
- If you have scheduled your own presentation you are eligible to act as an opponent during another students presentation.
- Find scheduled upcoming presentations missing an opponent in the spreadsheet. Links to an external site.
- If you wish to act as an opponent, first contact the presenting student. If you agree that you will be the opponent, fill in your name/email in the corresponding slot in the spreadsheet Links to an external site. and ask the defending student to share their draft with you.
Finding upcoming presentations for Active Participation
- You can find upcoming presentations in the spreadsheet Links to an external site. in the 'Upcoming Presentations' sheet. It only shows presentations from the current date onward and is sorted by presentation date/time.
- You do not need to register for the presentations, you can simply attend the zoom meeting.
- Active participation means that you ask questions or otherwise engage in the discussion during the presentation.
If you can't find an opponent or opposition opportunity
- Contact the HCT degree project coordinator
After the presentation fill in the self-evaluation which you can find here. Pass it on to your supervisor who will add comments and send it on to the examiner who adds final comments.