Presentation and opposition for CS projects ( DA231X, DA239X, DA250X)

Instructions for scheduling the presentation and becoming an opponent in CS
(course codes DA231X, DA239X, DA250X).


1. To schedule your own presentation, please follow these steps (revised):

  • When your report is ready and sent to the supervisor, fill out your self-evaluation using the template
    that can be found here,  and pass it on to your supervisor who first will add comments
    (the field relating to the presentation can be left empty).

  • When your supervisor has approved your report, the self-evaluation with the supervisor's
    comments should be sent back to you. You then submit the report and the self-evaluation 
    document to your examiner for approval for presentation. Submit them in Canvas, but you should
    send an e-mail to notify your examiner.

  • At the same time as you submit your report to your examiner, submit the form to join the
    queue to serve as opponent (see below).

  • Your examiner then reviews the report, and if satisified approves the report for presentation,
    possibly after requiring revisions.

  • Together with your examiner and supervisor (your supervisor's presence is recommended
    but not mandatory) you should decide on a date and time for the presentation, and create
    a zoom link to the online presentation. Currently, presentations are given online only.

  • Fill out this booking form in complete detail. This form must be submitted
    at least 8 calendar days before the
    intended presentation, so that the opponent has enough
    time for the review. The booking form requires you to give time and date of your
    presentation, a zoom link to the presentation, and to submit a copy of your thesis report.

  • An opponent is then assigned to your presentation from the queue for opposition in CS.
    The opponent will send a confirmation e-mail to you, your examiner and supervisor.
    The presentation seminar is advertised by the course coordinator.


2. To be assigned as the opponent of another student's presentation, please follow these instructions:

  • Opponents are assigned by the course coordinator from a queue of students who have 
    done their own presentation, or are very close. The reason for this is that master's theses
    in CS cover a wide range of topics, from interaction design to essentially pure mathematics, 
    and some matching of opponents to the presented theses is often necessary. However, the
    ambition is that students who have waited longer, done their own presentation, and where this
    is the last step before graduating, are given priority when this is possible.

  • At the same time as you submit your report to your examiner, submit this form to join the
    queue to serve as opponent. 

  • You will then at some point receive one or more offers to serve as opponent. These are sent by e-mail,
    generally approximately one week before the presentation, and often require a fast response. 
    You may decline an offer if the time is not suitable, or if you do not consider yourself qualified
    for the thesis topic. In that case you will receive other offers later.

  • Instructions for the opposition can be found here and in more detail here.

  • If you are close to being finished with your thesis, you may also indicate your interest in doing the
    opposition earlier in the process by sending an e-mail to, including when 
    you plan to finish, your thesis topic and area of interest. You will then be added to an interest list, and
    if there are no students in the queue, or none interested in an opportunity, you may get a chance to do
    your opposition in advance.


3.  Active listening.

The currently scheduled presentations in CS can be found here for 2021 and 2022. This list is updated when new presentations
are scheduled. You do not need to register for the presentations, you can simply attend the zoom meeting.
Please prepare so that you can participate actively in the discussion. The purpose of attending other presentations
is that you get an opportunity to reflect on what creates a good presentation, so make sure to do this well ahead
of your own presentation. If you have any mandatory assignment (oppoition or active listening) remaing after your
presentation and having your report approved, please make sure that you notify your examiner by e-mail when
these are done.