Quiz: Components

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  • Poäng 5
  • Frågor 5
  • Tillgänglig efter 30 Okt 2019 kl 0:00
  • Tidsgräns Ingen
  • Tillåtna försök Obegränsad


Browse the documentation for components to answer the following questions.

HTML Components

  • HTML elements (each HTML element, on its page, has a link to its DOM interface, make sure you check DOM that as well depending on the question)
  • DOM is the Document Object Model, a programmatic way of accessing a HTML or XML document from many programming languages (Javascript, Java, etc). 
  • One HTML DOM reference for Javascript. Elements are the HTML components
    •  their "fields" are component properties e.g.
    • Some of the component properties may be fixed

Android controls

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