Information about online teaching starting April 2020

Because of the Covid19 pandemic, all teaching during period 4 (April-June) will be carried out remotely.

A lot of the teaching will now be given via Zoom, so it is important that you familiarize yourself with Zoom if you have not already started doing so.  For some parts (presenting your solutions) you will need a microphone and webcam.  If this is an obstacle for you, please contact me as soon as possible so that we can investigate possible alternatives.

Here is specific information about what this means more concretely for the different parts of the course:

  • Lectures
    • These will be given via Zoom.
    • The meeting invitations to join can be found on the Lecture slides page.
    • I will attempt to record the lectures and make the recordings available for those of you who are not able to be there live due to time zone issues or similar
  • Exercise Sessions
    • Will be given via Zoom.
    • The meeting invitations to join can be found on the Exercises page.
    • There will still be two exercise groups, but instead of being given at the same time, we have separated them so that each exercise session is given once in the morning (10-12 Swedish time) and then once in the afternoon (15-17 Swedish time). Hopefully this makes the situation better for those of you in different time zones.  See Download updated detailed schedule.
  • Labs
    • We continue using the "Stay-a-While" queue system for queuing during lab sessions.  When you join the queue, instead of giving a physical location, you provide the meeting ID for a Zoom meeting, which the teacher assistant will join when it is your turn.
      The idea here is that many of you will probably already be working remotely together with your lab partner, and the suggestion is that you use Zoom for this and then simply invite the teacher to join your Zoom meeting to help you or take your presentation.
    • Two new 2-hour lab sessions have been added, so there are now five 2-hour sessions instead of the originally planned three.  See Download updated detailed schedule.
    • For the theory problems, it is now mandatory to submit your answers in Canvas before you present.   Note that just submitting in Canvas is not enough to get the theory points, you must still present your solutions to a teacher!
  • Mastery Tests
    • These are mostly not affected.  Presentations will be done over Zoom instead of in person.
  • Exam
    To be determined.